Payout creation

Payout Creation

Endpoint: /api/payment/create

Data to be transmitted:

Field Discription
recipient Recipient's account number without spaces or separators (only digits)
amount Amount to be credited to the account
currency Payout currency.
Available currencies:
Airtel Money, MGA - airtel.mga
Airtel Money, USD CONGO - airtel-congo.usd
Airtel Money, CDF CONGO - airtel-congo.cdf
Airtel Money, XAF CAMEROON - airtel-cameroon.xaf
Airtel Money, XAF CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE - airtel-congo-brazzaville.xaf
Airtel Money, GHS GHANA - airtel-ghana.ghs
Airtel Money, KES KENYA - airtel-kenya.kes
Airtel Money, MWK MALAWI - airtel-malawi.mwk
Airtel Money, RWF RWANDA - airtel-rwanda.rwf
Airtel Money, TZS TANZANIA - airtel-tanzania.tzs
Airtel Money, UGX UGANDA - airtel-uganda.ugx
Airtel Money, ZMW ZAMBIA - airtel-zambia.zmw
Bank Transfer, NGN - bank.ngn *
Bitcoin, BTC - bitcoin
Bitcoin Cash, BCH - bitcoin_cash
ChainLink, LINK - link
EFT, ZAR SOUTH-AFRICA - eft-south-africa.zar
Ethereum, ETH - ethereum
Expresso, XOF SENEGAL - expresso-senegal.xof
FreeMoney, XOF SENEGAL - free_money-senegal.xof
Halotel, TZS TANZANIA - halotel-tanzania.tzs
IMPS, INR - imps.inr
Litecoin, LTC - litecoin
Monero, XMR - monero
MOOV, XOF TOGO - moov-togo.xof
MOOV, XOF CI - moov-ci.xof
MOOV, XOF BENIN - moov-benin.xof
MOOV, XOF MALI - moov-mali.xof
MOOV, XOF BURKINA-FASO - moov-burkina-faso.xof
MPesa, USD CONGO - mpesa-congo.usd
MPesa, CDF CONGO - mpesa-congo.cdf
MPesa, KES KENYA - mpesa-kenya.kes
MPesa, TZS TANZANIA - mpesa-tanzania.tzs
MTN, XOF TOGO - mtn-togo.xof
MTN, XOF CI - mtn-ci.xof
MTN, XOF BENIN - mtn-benin.xof
MTN, GNF GUINEA - mtn-guinea.gnf
MTN, XAF CAMEROON - mtn-cameroon.xaf
MTN, GHS GHANA - mtn-ghana.ghs
MTN, RWF RWANDA - mtn-rwanda.rwf
MTN, UGX UGANDA - mtn-uganda.ugx
MTN, ZMW ZAMBIA - mtn-zambia.zmw
MVola, MGA - mvola.mga
OPay, NGN - opay.ngn
Orange Money, MGA - orange_money.mga
Orange Money, XOF TOGO - orange_money-togo.xof
Orange Money, XOF CI - orange_money-ci.xof
Orange Money, XOF SENEGAL - orange_money-senegal.xof
Orange Money, XOF BURKINA-FASO - orange_money-burkina-faso.xof
Orange Money, XOF MALI - orange_money-mali.xof
Orange Money, USD CONGO - orange_money-congo.usd
Orange Money, CDF CONGO - orange_money-congo.cdf
Orange Money, GNF GUINEA - orange_money-guinea.gnf
Orange Money, XAF CAMEROON - orange_money-cameroon.xaf
Orange Money, RWF RWANDA - orange_money-rwanda.rwf
Orange Money, SLL SIERRA-LEONE - orange_money-sierra-leone.sll
PalmPay, NGN - palmpay.ngn
PayTM, INR - paytm.inr
Phone PE, INR - phonepe.inr
T-Money, XOF - tmoney.xof
TCash, KES KENYA - tcash-kenya.kes
Tether ERC20, USDT ERC20 - usdt_erc20
Tether TRC20, USDT TRC20 - usdt_trc20
Tigo, GHS GHANA - tigo-ghana.ghs
Tigo, TZS TANZANIA - tigo-tanzania.tzs
TNM, MWK MALAWI - tnm-malawi.mwk
Tron, TRX - tron
UPI, INR - upi.inr
USDC TRC20, USDC TRC20 - usdc_trc20
Vanilla Pay, MGA - vanilla_pay.mga
Verve, NGN - verve.ngn
VisaMaster, UAH - visamaster.uah
VisaMaster, USD - visamaster.usd
VisaMaster, EUR - visamaster.eur
VisaMaster, NGN - visamaster.ngn
VisaMaster, XOF - visamaster.xof
Vodafone, CDF CONGO - vodafone-congo.cdf
Vodafone, GHS GHANA - vodafone-ghana.ghs
Vodafone, TZS TANZANIA - vodafone-tanzania.tzs
Wave, XOF SENEGAL - wave-senegal.xof
Wave, XOF CI - wave-ci.xof
WizAll, XOF SENEGAL - wiz_all-senegal.xof
Zamtel, ZMW ZAMBIA - zamtel-zambia.zmw
, NGN - cash_terminal.ngn
description Payment description
payment_id Account number of the payment in the agent's system (e.g., request number)
status_url URL to which a GET request will be sent when the instruction reaches the final status (optional parameter. If absent, the request will not be made)
extra_fields This field is used to pass additional parameters required by specific payment systems. The list of fields is available at /api/extrafields/list

Fields received in the response

Field Discription
tracking Payment order tracking number in the payment gateway accounting system
payment_id Agent's payment account number in the agent's accounting system (e.g., application number)

Note (*).
For the currency bank.ngn, it is mandatory to specify the extra_field -> bank_code.